
Drew’s Eagle Scout Project

Back in March, Drew wrote his plan for his Eagle Scout Project Proposal and it was approved with flying colors. He had to get through ACT prep class and the end of his junior year. Summer rolled around and he was finally able to get the plan written, materials purchased, and dates arranged. He had large contingent of guys from his troop come out to help.

Day 1 pics:
Here’s the Scoutmaster’s daughter along with Drew’s girlfriend. They were so sweet to give up half of their Saturday to sweat and help Drew with his project.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Here’s the Scoutmaster working with his daughter.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Saturday consisted of hauling all the wood down, clearing the vegetation from the sight, putting the fence up, as well as measuring and placing the footings for the deck in the cement so they could harden over night.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

There was very stubborn, thick root running right where they needed to put a hole for one of the fence posts.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

This is at the end of Day 1. You can’t see it, but there’s 3 sections of the fence.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Day 2
Sunday involved placing the frame for the deck, stabilizing with more wood inside the frame, hammering the wood on the top, as well putting rails around the deck.

Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

The guys signed the inside frame of the deck before putting the wood on top.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Drew holds the post for his scoutmaster who was sawing 4×4 to the correct height.
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Here’s Drew screwing in the very last screw to finish up his project!
Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

Drew's Eagle Scout Project Work Day

You can see all the pictures by clicking the link below.
Drew’s Eagle Scout Project Work Days on Flickr

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