Currently – September 2021

Currently – September 2021

Happy September, yall! Here’s my Currently post for this month.

beginning to look forward to Fall and football! I’m really hoping we have an early onset of cooler temperatures, which usually tease us a time or 2 in September or October. However, real cooler temps don’t show up till November here.

ending I’m ready to end this stressful part of the semester. August is a busy time for me at work hiring and training. This year during this time I got COVID so that meant leaving my job to others, which I always hate doing. I am having to hire some more folks for shifts that have come open because of class schedule changes and freshman that decided they needed to not work their first semester.

loving I am still really tired and I’m still having some congestion, so unfortunately I’m still loving my bed. I went to bed at 8 something last night. I’m really hoping that all this ends soon!

picking Still picking lots of tomatoes! I have some ‘overflow’ tomato plants that I planted in the yard and I don’t go down there that often. I went down there the other day and found all this that was ready to be picked!

2021-08-25 11.42.43

posting I have honestly been struggling to post lately. Between being sick and work being a lot right now, I just have no motivation.

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.


  1. Joanne

    Hoping everything settles down at work and that you feel back to your old self in no time!

  2. I hope all the work craziness gets sorted out soon and I wouldn’t mind a night or two of hitting my bed at 8, although I get it’s not enjoyable in the long-term.

  3. I’m with you on the weather – I can’t wait for some mornings in the high 60’s. I don’t mind the warm afternoon if I can just get some fresh air in the mornings! I’m so sorry you’re still filling less than 100%. A good friend got covid (very healthy and 40 years old), and it took her weeks to feel somewhat normal again. And she was vaccinated! Hang in there!

  4. Hope you are feeling 100 percent soon! I do not eat tomatoes – but those sure are some pretty ones!!

  5. I’m so sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well and came down with Covid! You have some beautiful tomatoes to enjoy!

  6. Hope you feel better soon! I’ve been going to bed earlier on weeknights just in general and it’s something I’m hoping to keep up with, since it has been really nice. It’s not always easy though! lol


  7. Kym

    Hope you feel better and more energized! We struggled with feeling so tired and unmotivated too when we had covid and were recovering. Great bumper crop of tomatoes there!

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