Currently::Jan 2022

Currently::Jan 2022

Happy New Year everyone! I forgot to tell ya’ll that in my 1st post of this year. So here we are in 2022. Can’t believe it!

anticipating I’m really trying not to anticipate. Anticipation often causes me stress and anxiety and worry that I don’t need.

organizing my thoughts and my goals for the year.

reading I started the A Chapter a Day (Reading the Bible in three years plan) on the Bible app. I also follow an Auburn author on Instagram, Betsy Lowery. She’s also on FB. Anyway, she just published a new book called Love Ever Green, which you can buy for kindle right now for a few dollars. That’s what I’m currently reading.

resolving to be more active and trying to eat more green stuff! (that makes me laugh)

scheduling some medical appointments that I’ve been putting off.

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.


  1. I need to be more active too… Also, I don’t think I wished my blog readers Happy New Year either. Ooops.

  2. Kym

    I’m organizing and scheduling some of the same types of things. I should also be eating more greens, but they are not really my favorites. I try!
    Visiting from Currently #22

  3. Here’s to eating all the green stuff. Well, I just put it all in a blender and call it a smoothie:) Happy new year wishes to you!

  4. Joanne

    I’m trying to move more and eat more green stuff too!

  5. I’m not a green stuff eating fan, if you find any good recipes, let me know!

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