Currently – April 2021

Currently – April 2021

/arranging/ We are still working on re-arranging some stuff in our closet. I mentioned before that when we got new carpet upstairs it forced us to remove and pack up everything in the 3 bedrooms upstairs. This helped us to get a fresh start. We have an extra closet in the master that will become an extra closet for me. Rob has added storage in his office’s closet, where a lot that stuff will go. Once all that is done, I’ll finally show pictures of the new carpet upstairs.

/craving/ Hmmm…I’m really not craving much of anything. I told Rob the earlier I’m in the food funk, where nothing sounds good. I’m tired of having to think about what do cook or where to go out to eat. Just blah! Do you ever get like that?

/discussing/ We’ve been discussing summer travels. I’m not sure if we’ll do anything. We often piggy back vacations on to Rob’s work conferences and those are still not allowed. Maybe we’ll end up planning something, but right now discussions are quietened.

/enjoying/ I’ve really been enjoying the old show Army Wives on ABC. I never watched it when it was actually Lifetime, but its my current binge show.

/preparing/ I’m preparing to plant all my seedlings this weekend. When you start seeds inside under grow lights, you have to ‘harden’ them off, by bringing them outside for a few hours to get acclimated to sun, wind, etc.

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    • Lysha

      Yes, I feel so bad for those that have to wait so long and that have such a short growing season.

  1. So great to have extra closet space! And nice to not have any cravings too 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your week!

    • Lysha

      Yeah, I guess what I didn’t say in the post was that I always crave chocolate. That’s a struggle!

  2. That’s so interesting about the seeds. I definitely get the same way about cooking. Sometimes it just feels easier to make a sandwich. I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!

    • Lysha

      I’ve eaten lots of cereal lately. My son will just eat pizza rolls or frozen spicy chicken sandwich and then that leaves my husband to eat pepperoni and cheese.

  3. Joanne

    Yes, I do get like that with food! Then the family gets frustrated at me because I really don’t care what we eat and ask them all for ideas and suggestions.

    • Lysha

      Yeah, when I ask for suggestions that just drags everything out and it drives me crazy. 😉

    • Lysha

      I’m curious now how much of it true to life. I know one thing that is not. Military families move around and the characters keep threatening to have to move, but never have had to.

  4. A food funk! Don’t think I have heard it put that way – but that really does describe me most often. Describes my husband too…so we are a delight to go to dinner with!!

  5. It’s a ton of work, but I do love a fresh start on a closet! It’s worth it in the end 🙂 And YES I really feel you on that food funk. Somehow pregnancy has made it even worse – I need to eat stuff but, meh, nothing sounds that good. That’s usually when I make my husband and son each suggest a dinner idea.

    • Lysha

      Haha! Pregnancy just made me want to eat anything and everything!

  6. It sounds like you have been working hard with all of your closet and storage organizing! I wish we had multiple closets in our master!

    • Lysha

      Yes, its dragging out because I need Rob’s help, but he’s so busy. It will be so great when we’re done. Extra closet was added when the room was added on to years before we owned the house. Nice extra!

  7. I should be currently planting my pansies and ranunculus that have been hardening off for almost a month now but I still don’t trust that it’s not going to freeze at night. Ugh. I’m so ready for nicer weather.

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