Appletree Campground

Cub Scout Mountain Trip 2014::Appletree Campground, NC {Day 3}

If you missed Day 1 or Day 2 recap of our trip with the Cub Scouts to the North Carolina mountains, please catch up on those first.

Day 3 of our trip consisted of another hot breakfast, chapel, clean up, hike, and drive home.

Waiting for chapel to start.

Mr. R giving the message during our Sunday morning chapel service.

After getting camp all packed up with no trace left behind, a group of us decided to head out for a group hike before hitting the road.
Pack29SummerTripNorthCarolina2014-Day3 - 42

The highlighted area on this map shows the trail we took on our hike.
Sunday Hike

It ended up being quite a challenge, but we were able to see some pretty points of nature along the way.

For lunch we stopped in Murphy, NC at an A&W for some burgers and shakes.
Pack29SummerTripNorthCarolina2014-Day3 - 45

We had an uneventful ride home except for a bit of a down pour. Here’s the clouds that rolled in right beforehand.

I have enjoyed each of the Cub Scout summer trips we’ve been on so much. I blogged about the last 2 years (see links below):
Cub Scout Beach Trip 2013::Pensacola, FL
Cub Scout Mountain Trip 2011::Lake Winfield Scott, GA

See a few more pics from Day 3 here.

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