PSH Theme: Open

PSH Theme: Open

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is open. For this weeks theme, I found this pic that was taken at the Fort Worth Zoo back in 2000. I like the…
PSH Theme:  Old

PSH Theme: Old

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is old. I wasn't sure if today's theme was supposed to be an old picture or an old item in the picture. hahaha, I…
PSH Theme:  Feet

PSH Theme: Feet

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is feet. This is my 2nd son. I took this picture as part of his 1 year portraits. (March 2005)
PSH Theme: Round

PSH Theme: Round

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is round. I chose this pic because of the soccer ball that's round.