Category Archives: Life

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 28

By | November 28, 2011

Today I’m thankful for Christmas time. I’m thankful for my Lord and Savior, who sacrificed his Son for me and you. Christmas time is my favorite time of year. Yes, I enjoy decorating, the music, the food, the smells, child laughter and joy, parties, time off, time with family. How can you not love this… Read More »


By | November 23, 2011

What great timing! Saturday night before going to bed, I could tell I had some drainage on my throat, but we didn’t have the type of medicine that would really help. Or so I thought. Consequently, Sunday I woke up with a raging sore throat. As Saturday went on I continued to feel not so… Read More »

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 23

By | November 23, 2011

I am so thankful for music. Music has always been such an integral part of my life. Music brings me up when I’m feeling down. It’s there for me to celebrate to. It’s there to take me back in time. It’s there all the time to dance to, to cry to, to laugh to!

Kroger Deals

By | November 22, 2011

Ok, so I took a couponing class that an acquaintance from my church has been teaching for awhile. [Not extreme couponing] It’s been all the buzz on Facebook. I was so excited when she scheduled a class that I could attend. I learned a few things, but since I had already done some extensive research,… Read More »

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 21

By | November 21, 2011

I am thankful for my in-laws. I have 2 sets with Rob’s parents being divorced. One lives closer, one that lives farther, but ones that I see about the same amount. I’m happy that we don’t have a love-hate relationship like many in-laws experience. They are always supportive and loving.

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 19

By | November 20, 2011

I am thankful for the Food Network! I can’t tell you how much I have learned from the hours and hours that I’ve watched that channel. Rob can attest that if I’m at home and the TV is on, it’s probably on Food. From Rachel Ray to Paula Deen, I love ’em all.


By | November 19, 2011

Here’s a few pics of Daisy hanging out on the back deck. Enjoying the breeze Watching for squirrels and chipmunks Walking around to stay awake Gave in to the temptation…dozing