Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Burdines Waterfront ChikiTiki Bar & Grill is located on Boot Key Harbor on Marathon Key. We actually passed by it earlier that day in the boat.

Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

This place was packed, but we managed to get a table inside. If you go there, I highly recommend eating outside. The inside is small and shares space with the kitchen. It was noisy, and hot.

Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Rob and Drew got the Bacon Wrapped BBQ Shrimp, which looked amazing. I had the fish sandwich, which was also quite flavorful.
Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Nothing was better than our dessert, which was the Deep Fried Key Lime Pie. O.M.G!!! I hate to admit that I actually liked this better than the key lime pie we had the day before in Key West.
Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Burdines Waterfront Restaurant

Overall, I recommend Burdines to folks that want a restaurant that epitomizes a true Caribbean style. Food was good; atmosphere was laid back and casual.


  1. Dianne M Turner

    Hi Lysha!
    So I know you were at Burdine’s quite some time ago but Im writing about their fried KeyLime pie. I was there right around the same time as my daughter was with me and she was pregnant with my now 6 year old grandchild and she still talks about that dessert that we had there. Her birthday is today and I want to make it for the Sunday party this weekend. Do you think that is a tortilla that is wrapped around the Key Lime Pie and then deep fried? Any info you can share would be much appreciated!


    • Lysha

      I am so sorry I’m just seeing your comment. I don’t think that is a tortilla, but I think if you could find uncooked tortillas or maybe a flat pie shell. That’s a really good question. Did you end up making it for her?

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