Brainstorming About the New Year - Printable - Planning for New Year - This Year I Will

Planning for New Year

Planning for New Year - This Year I Will

Planning for New Year

Have you started thinking about the new year? I know Christmas is smack dab around the corner and this year has absolutely flown by! I just can’t believe it. So with all that being said, I’ve started thinking about the new year 2015.

I created a printable sheet with 15 verbs to get me thinking about things I want to do in the new year. 15 things for 2015. Now these are not going to be my set of resolutions. That’s way too many. I just used this sheet as a tool to help me think through things I’d like improve upon. I’ll be posting more about New Year’s Resolutions so keep an eye out. What do you want to do in the New Year?

Brainstorming About the New Year - Planning for New Year

Here’s updated version:

2016PDFWord format
Brainstorming About the New Year 2016 - Planning for New Year - This Year I Will

2017PDFWord format
Brainstorming About the New Year 2017

2018PDFWord format
Brainstorming About the New Year 2017

BlankPDFWord format
Brainstorming About the New Year - Blank - Planning for New Year - This Year I Will

Previous years:
2015 – PDFWord format
2016 – PDFWord format
2017 – PDFWord format

Here’s some books that have really motivated me to make and reach my goals this year!


**Click the following link to get a weekly version of this to keep help keep you accountable!**
Keeping Up With Your Goals (Printable)

Sign up for our newsletter below and receive WORD versions of the New Year’s Resolution Forms!

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  1. I love this! I’ll have to print it out and do it with my husband. 2015 is bringing a lot of changes for us, but I think it has the potential to be our best year yet!!

  2. I have started thinking of the new year… cutting back on soda. I like this doc you created but I would need to use it everyday. New goals daily.

  3. Yes! I love this! I have been plotting and planning for the new year all month! But I do like your printable like Aimee said for everyday!

  4. I really like your list. I would have to keep it front and center so I could see if every day. Last year I participated in the “one word” goal for the year. My word was love, meaning I wanted to let love rule my heart in every situation. There’s been some hits or misses, but keeping that word in my heart and mind really did help.

  5. I love this printable! I always like to include lists in my scrapbooking to be able to look back and see how things have changed. I am definitely going to use your printable

  6. Lysha

    Y’all keep an eye out I’ve got a post coming out soon that will help you stay focused daily.

  7. Denisa Ivascu

    I love these! Thank you so much. ^^

    • Lysha

      You are so welcome! This year I plan to share lots of other great printables so keep an eye out for those. Thanks for the comment.

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