Being Real

Being Real

Hey y’all. I gotta get real with ya for a second. You may or may not have noticed I haven’t blogged the much the last month. I am a bit burnt out with blogging. Since re-branding and slowly moving old blog posts over while trying to crank out a daily blog post, I’m just kind of over it.


I love blogging, don’t get me wrong but for the longest time (even before moving over to this new blog home) I feel like I’ve been trying to go in too many directions with this thing. All the while being miserable while doing it. Not knowing who it is I’m trying to please and definitely not pleasing myself.

I really enjoy blogging. I can’t imagine, NOT blogging. I don’t plan to stop, but I’ve been trying to figure out what the purpose of the blog is, what I enjoy writing about, and where I want to go with this thing. I have been trying to build this blog up and increase followers and increase social media reach, but I’m over it.

I’ve quit pushing myself to get a post out everyday. I know one of my goals regardless of what decisions I make are to get my travel posts caught up. I’ve got so much more to share about our Florida Trip from back in December 2014-January 2015, as well as others. I should have done those months ago, but with computer issues and then, blog host issues, I am really behind.

So I don’t have any definitive answers about what this blog will be. I’m just praying about it, while trying to get caught up on travel posts. I’m not sure if I’ll have any readers left because I know that people like consistency, but I have to do this for me and for my sanity. Thanks to those who are understanding and keep coming back.

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