The Weekly [8.2-8.2020]

The Weekly [8.2-8.2020]

So I’m a few days behind posting my Weekly post, which usually comes out Sundays or Mondays, but this last weekend was busy with all the grad stuff. I’ll post about that as soon as work slows down.

I took my nieces shopping for a back to school outfit and they love their Starbucks!
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Just keepin’ it real, folks. My office is a rat hole right now. I’ll get it clean…not soon enough! This kind of mess gets under my skin, but I just don’t have the energy or the time to clean it up. I’m going into the office starting tomorrow through all of next week. So yeah, I’ll be exhausted.
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Last Thursday, Drew and his girlfriend, Caitlyn got their keys to their apartment.

Pic from our Friday night, come and go party for Drew in our front yard. Rob’s Mom and step Dad, got this banner for him. Rob’s sister, the graphic designer, designed it! More about all that later…

Family Grad party decorations that Rob’s Mom, Step Dad, Sister, and our nieces just did an amazing job with!
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We left Drew’s party to go to another Grad party for family friends’ daughter. Drew and his girlfriend, Caitlyn are good friends with Linds.

One morning, Rob, let Kayleigh up in the bed and she ended up launching her self on to my pillow. I snapped this pic of her and thought it was pretty funny. Ignore my face.

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Such a crazy week with ‘graduation’ and all the parties. I’m tired, but no rest for the weary! Lots going on with work coming up with the new semester starting.

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World


  1. Joanne

    I bet they were so excited to get those keys! I had such a fun time decorating my first house (my husband wasn’t fooling around with rent when he could just pay a mortgage! LOL). We had the best time making that house a home– though looking back it was pretty weird that I was still in college at the time.

    • Lysha

      Yeah, they’ve been together 6 years now, but have waited patiently until they were both done with their undergrad. They have it looking really nice and made use of every nook and cranny!

  2. Love the “smiling” picture of Kayleigh! Have a good week!

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