Life lately is filled with…
~~ Drew gone on the church choir tour/mission trip for a week.
~~ The rest of us went on the Cub Scout Summer family trip to NC.
~~ Lots of cooking and planning for 4th of July Trip.
~~ Lots of cleaning and organizing.
~~ Getting Rob and Drew ready to go to boy scout summer camp.
~~ Exhaustion from all of the above!
~~ Drew lost his retainers, so we shelled a couple 100 bucks to replace them. GRRR!
~~ Set up a private chat area for Alex and I to communicate while I’m at work.
I think that’s all…I didn’t do one of these posts last week because I did my monthly summary. I don’t have any set goals this week, because it’s just me and Alex and I plan to have fun with him and get the house clean!