Carnival Dream::Day 5 {Roatan} Part 1

Carnival Dream::Day 5 {Roatan} Part 1

~ Day 1::Day of Embarkation ~ Day 2::Fun Day at Sea ~ Day 3::Cozumel ~ Day 4::Belize ~ Day 5::Roatan 2 ~ Day 6::Costa Maya ~ Day 7::Day at Sea ~ Day 8::Disembarkation/Daytona ~

Just FYI, I had so many pics I wanted to share from our day in Roatan that I decided to break this post down into 2 parts. I hope to have part 2 up tomorrow!

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We arrived in Mahogany Bay, Roatan early and since we weren’t doing a cruise excursion we were able to hop off the ship as soon as we were docked. We had a plan in mind, so we power walked our way to the taxis.
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There we see the line of taxis, agreed on a price for the day, and jumped in. We told the guy we wanted to go to the zipline that was known as the highest, and longest in the Caribbean. Our taxi driver, Richard, who spoke just enough English to get by said, “oh, ok, I take you to zipline.” Rob followed up by, “Now we want to go to the one that as the longest and highest. Do you know which on that is?” Richard replied, “yes, I take you there now.”

We enjoyed the scenic drive, the LOoooong scenic drive. We got to see a good deal of the west part of the island. Here’s some shots I got as we rode to the zipline.

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We turned in a heavily wooded place with a dinky little sign that said zipline. There’s a goat hanging out. I looked at Rob when Richard said, “You go zipline now. We here!” I’m just thinking, “What the heck! This is not the right place. I cannot believe we just wasted this time, but Rob wanted to give richard the benefit of the doubt. All the while I”m thinking what a kiniving kick-back wanting little taxi driver!!! We went over to the shack and Rob asked if this zipline was the longest and highest in the caribbean. The lady looked at us, totally avoided the question and said, “We have 16 ziplines!!” Rob looked at Richard and said this is not the Pirates zipline, which is the one we wanted to go to.” In Spanish, Richard asked the guys where that one was and they answered. We asked richard how long it would be. He said it is a long way! We said, “well, it’s a good thing we’re paying you for the day!!
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We finally arrived at Pirates of the Caribbean’s Zipline.

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We paid, got our gear on, and hopped in the back of a truck.

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We drove a little ways to a scary looking, locked iron gate. One of our guides jumped out and unlocked it. We had a steep ride up, but when we got to the top, we were surrounded by breath-taking views.
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Here we are before we climbed off the back of the truck.
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As we walked down to the first line, our guide told us we’d have to ride tandem for the first 3 or 4 lines. I decided to go with Monkey.
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Here’s Teenager and Rob about to go.
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2012-09-05 09.21.18

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Actually, I was excited, a little nervous, but I knew deep down I could do this. I didn’t go in thinking, “I’m not sure I can do this.” It was nothing like that. I think Monkey was a bit nervous as well, because as we were getting hooked to the line after Rob and Teenager went he kept asking me if I was bringing my camera.

Zipline Details

Ziplines Distance
1 to 2 1,980 328
2 to 3 1,900 256
3 to 4 1,890 210
4 to 5 1,023 138
5 to 6 1,126 128
6 to 7 780 69
7 to 8 276 20
8 to 9 348 30

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Coming in for the “landing”!
-2012-09-05 09.28.38ourguide

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Going solo now
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Ziplining in the jungles of Roatan was SO fun and so worth it. I would do it again in heartbeat! Yah, it’s that fun. When we finished, we walked down the hill to see the spider monkeys and take off our gear.

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See more pics from the first part of our day here.


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