Scripture Picture {Psalm 50:11}

By | May 19, 2012

I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine. ~Psalm 50:11

Psalm 50:11

I love photography and love the Bible. What’s better than putting the 2 things together, right? So link up and spread the Word. 🙂
Here’s what you do to join the fun…
~ Take a picture that you like.
~ Find a scripture that you think goes well with it.
Or visa versa
~ Add the scripture to the picture using the text feature on photoshop, picmonkey, aviary, or any photo editor that allows text. If you don’t want to do that, you can just put the scripture in the post.
~ Put the Scripture Picture button in your post by just copying this code below:
<center><a href=""><img src="" width="125"/></a></center>
~ Visit at least 5 other posts and comment on 3. We all love comments.
~ Link up here with your direct URL (permalink =, not your main blog link (NOT
~ Let me know if you have any questions!


8 thoughts on “Scripture Picture {Psalm 50:11}

  1. Alida

    I just love your photo and the verse you chose to go with it…perfect!!

    blessings to you,

  2. Joanne Norton

    This made me grin. Loved it. And, buried in Psalms at this particular stretch of time, the scripture fit right into my heart.

  3. Lisa

    What a beautiful picture, and I love the placement of your verse! Visiting from Scripture and a Snapshot 🙂

  4. faith hope & cherrytea

    LoVe this!
    precious… ty for sharing & glad to find you!
    i’ve done a photo post today as well for sunday ~
    stop by when you have a minute –
    i’d happily link up when your linky is open 🙂


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