Project 366 Rewind {Week 9}

By | March 5, 2012

26. Strawberries
A sweet sign of spring

27. Cutting Back on Diet Coke
PowderDrinksCrystalLight - 14
I’m trying to cut down on Diet Coke, so I went and got these powdered drinks. Not sure how much healthier they are, but it’s a start. Yes, I’m currently having to get the “Energy” variety because of my addiction to caffeine. I’m hoping to wean off that as well.

28. My current Read
My current Read
Anyone recognize it?

29. Txting while Walking
Txting while walking....

1. My Yummy Experiment

2. Building Birdhouses
Building Birdhouses
Den Meeting to birdhouses and practice their skit for B&G banquet next week.

3. Preparing & cooking an outdoor meal
Preparing & cooking an outdoor meal
Alex completed the last requirement on Saturday so that he can be rewarded his Wolf rank at the B&G banquet next Friday. He with the help of Rob cooked an outdoor meal. It was yummy!

6 thoughts on “Project 366 Rewind {Week 9}

  1. Liz

    A great series of shots! Those red red strawberries look delicious. Love the Dad & son shots too.

  2. MG Atwood

    Yes, it’s the Hunger Games! I was addicted and flew through the triology. Looking forward to the movie! I hate to be the doom fairy, but it’s the artificial sweetner in the soda’s that’s the killer, and now you’re mixing artificial sweetners, with water..just saying…
    Love your strawberry shot. Have a fabulous week.

  3. Kristal

    Love the strawberry shot!

    Dr. Oz just talked about caffeine and how it makes one dehydrated quicker. He said that one should drink 8oz of water with a cup of coffee and that will keep you energy higher. Diet soda is so bad… good for you to making a small step towards not drinking it. You could flavor your water with real fruit instead {like sliced up lemons, oranges or even cucumbers}. I think you’d be amazed how much more energy you had if you just stayed hydrated! Helps me!


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