+ Our dining room table that was Rob’s gramma’s is always dressed. She always had the table pad and a table cloth on it. So it has hardly any imperfections on it. When we need to wash the table cloth, we pull the table pad off and let it ‘air out’
+ On Sunday lunch, my mother-in-law brought 2 of our nephews and a niece that she was babysitting.
+ Friday, Caitlyn and I did lunch at Hey Day Market. We both got tacos from Wild Child. Pretty good, but pricey!!
+ Eye appointments for me and Alex on 2 separate days. He went on his own.
+ Dinner at Conquistador before the show.
+ Come from Away was showing at the GPAC. I didn’t love the story for some reason. It is based on a true story from 911.
How did your week go?
I agree about the tacos. That’s what I had when we were there. Delicious, but pretty expensive. The dining table is just gorgeous. They really don’t make furniture the same anymore.
That table is absolutely beautiful! I love a good heirloom piece!