Dear Rob,
I just can’t believe it’s been 14 years since we tied the knot! I think back to through the years. It makes me happy to know that we’ve stuck through all the ups and downs through these years. What we’ve gone through in the last 4 years would be enough to test any relationship! For some, troubled times strengthens the marriage, for some it weakens the relationship, and for most, it breaks the relationship. During these troubled times, I’ve asked God, “Why me? Why us?” and as I sit and write this, I can say I think we’ve both grown stronger as individuals, we’ve grown closer in our relationship, but most importantly, we’ve grown closer with God. Having God as our ‘center’ is the greatest gift we could give each other. I know that God has a Grand Plan for us. So I can now sit here and I’m ok knowing that these troubled times, I talk about, are part of His plan for us, and I’m ok with that.
This is our journey and I am glad to be sharing this journey called Life with you! Let’s do 14 more, k? I know the best years are in our future.
Happy Anniversary, Honey!!

Facebook post this year:
Rob said, “…is the luckiest guy on Earth. I’ve been married to a beautiful, intelligent, caring woman for 14 years. I wouldn’t want to spend my life with anyone else! Thanks for being such a great wife and putting up with me. I sure did “marry up”!”