
What’s Your Word 2015?

Y’all I have been out of town for 11 days and it is so difficult getting back in the swing of things. I was honestly not ready to go back to work yesterday and I’m pretty unmotivated. I hate that! In the new year, there are many things I hope to accomplish and when you’re just not feeling it, it’s a bit discouraging. However, I’m not going to let that stop me. I’m going to push through it. With that being said, how many of you have made New Year’s resolutions or goals? Did any of you just get to the point of brainstorming about the new year? Hey it doesn’t matter what point your at, it’s never too late to get started.

For many people, they don’t want or need a list of things to accomplish. Sometimes people are often motivated by just ONE WORD. Many people do well having ONE word to keep in mind as they go about their daily lives to keep in mind; kind of a mantra, motto, or buzz word. Have you ever thought of having one word to think about when you’re trying to push through a goal or get something finished?

Well, this year I decided to have a word as well as resolutions and goals. Here’s how I derived my word for 2015.

I looked over the 15 things on my brainstorming list that I wish to improve and looked to see if there was an ongoing theme throughout. I had a couple themes that I saw, but decided to go with a little different direction for my word. I did get some great ideas from the site My One Word.

Here’s a list of encouraging and motivational words.
Word 2015 - What's Your Word for 2015? My Word for this Year is FINISH.  What word are you using to motivate you?

I’ve gone back and forth between 3 or 4 words and finally decided the word I need to have as my motto in 2015 is:
Word 2015 - My Word for this Year is FINISH.  What word are you using to motivate you?
What’s your word for the year?

Keep an eye out every Thursday for more on New Year’s Goals!

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