Weekly Menu Plan by ACAC

Weekly Menu {Jan. 3-9, 2016}

Happy New Year everyone! I hate to admit, but as gung-ho as I was last year to have plans and goals, this year I’ve barely even thought about the new year that’s now underway. With that being said, one of the things I need and want to be doing is to start planning my weekly menus again. It makes life so much easier. Takes the guess work out every night when its time to cook dinner. Makes it easier to know what to buy at the store. Saves money, because every night you know what you’re cooking and you don’t get so fed up that you decide to out to eat. That’s just a few reasons why meal planning is the way to go.

So with that being said here’s what’s on the menu for this week:
A Camera & A Cookbook Weekly Menu

Monday: Bacon Pizza {Homemade}
Who doesn't love pizza?  And who doesn't love bacon?  Well why not put them together in a  homemade bacon pizza.  Delicious!

Tuesday: Sausage and Rice Stuffed Peppers
Sausage and Rice Stuffed Peppers

Wednesday: Pineapple Chicken by Cosmopolitan Cornbread
Pineapple Chicken from Cosmopolitan Cornbread

Low Fat Garlic Honey Marinade
Low Fat Garlic Honey Marinade great for pork, chicken, or shrimp!

Sweet Potato Chips
Sweet Potato Chips

Steakhouse Burger
Steakhouse Burger {Copycat Recipe from McDonald's}

Parmesan Potatoes
Parmesan Potatoes

Pizza Monkey Bread Bites
Pizza Monkey Bread Bites

Spicy Chicken Veggie Soup
Spicy Chicken Veggie Soup {Crockpot}

Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
Lysha @ a Camera & a Cookbook shares 12 delightful Christmas treat recipes for this holiday season. Today she is sharing Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

What are you eating this week?

1 Comment

  1. Having a menu is something I really need to get back into. For the last few months of 2015 I was really slacking! I need to get back into my groove!

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