Memories of the Month {4.2020}

Memories of the Month {4.2020}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with. I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

This month I was happy about: just feeling really content. I think not having the stresses of work and running here and there. Being with family and seeing them more.

This month I was sad about: falling during one of our weekly hikes. We hiked the Deadening Alpine Trail the Saturday before Easter. It’s a pretty difficult hike and I was doing fine. Getting tired and in the last mile or so, my foot slipped down some pine straw. My back caught a knotted root sticking up out the ground and it scraped a nice chunk of skin off. I landed on a root pretty hard, on my already broken tailbone. My camera went unscathed, which is always the goal. Rob quickly looked at my back to see what the damage was. Luckily it wasn’t too deep and we could get on with the hike. I was ready to be done at that point! As of now, 2 weeks later and after seeing a foot doctor, the scab is slowly coming off and I am so glad because having a hard scab on the curve of your back is actually pretty awful. Very painful.

This year I’m going to rate the books & movies. Here’s my rating system:
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time


Movies I watched were:

TV Shows I watched were:
New Amsterdam (NBC) ♥ ♥
Tiger King (Netflix) – Not even sure what to say. I just felt like I needed shower after every episode.
Good Girls (NBC) ♥ ♥
The Baker and the Beauty (ABC) ♥
For Life (ABC) ♥ ♥

Rob and I watched:
A Million Little Things ♥ ♥
Survivor ♥
9-1-1 ✓ ✓
The Good Doctor ♥ ♥
Blue Bloods ♥
Hawaii Five-0 ♥ – so sad it’s over
Last Man Standing ♥
Young Sheldon ♥
NCIS ✓ ✓
The Conners ✓ ✓
MacGyver ♥

Things I read:
I haven’t read any books lately, but I wanted to share. I’ve been on LaShawn’s email list for a long time, and I’ve read her blog here and there. Her instastories are great! However, something sparked my interest and I spent hours on her blog, Everyday Eyecandy, recently. She writes about life, travel, and photography. She truly inspires me.

Podcasts I listened to:
What Happened to Holly Bartlett
Someone Knows Something – Season 1
Serial – a couple of episodes in so far

My favorite song this month was:
We watched For KING & COUNTRY – TOGETHER: A Night of Hope, which was actually filmed live back in March, but we we just heard about it. It was so good. I really enjoyed all their songs. I’m a huge fan of theirs and can’t wait to hopefully see them in concert when all this Corona stuff blows over.

What I remember about work was: not having anything change as far as returning to work on April 10, which was supposed to be our day to go back. They moved the date to May 11th, but we just got word a few days ago that it’s now pushed out to June 30! Zoom meetings with department and some with the Dean.

A lesson I learned this month was: when you get 6 inches of rain in just a few hours, our house (bottom level) will flood again. Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as Christmas Eve 2016! This time we just handled it ourselves and the water quit flowing after 15 or 20 minutes this time, which made the clean up not last as long. We baled water for a couple hours. This happen the Sunday after Easter, when so many places were getting tornadoes and flood warnings. The next day Rob and spent all day drying the carpet. We pulled the carpet up and cut away the pad that was wet in the playroom and hallway and just the corner of my office.

Last night we moved everything out of my office, as the carpet installers will be here this afternoon to install a new pad (that we actually had from the new install in January 2017) and to reinstall the carpet. Tomorrow the carpet cleaners will be out to clean our carpets downstairs and also doing our main level. This weekend we will move everything back and have everything back in order down there, which I’m looking forward to. My office is down there and since I’m working from home, I’ll be excited to have my office back all clean and organized again.

My favorite pic that I took was:
4.5.2020_ Hiking_Chimney_Rock_Trail.08
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen I posted this picture of Kayleigh. She tilts her head like this quite often. It is the cutest thing!

The favorite thing I cooked was: Creamy Salsa Chicken with Spanish Rice.

Drew: finished up with his spring semester yesterday. He had his final of course at home in his room.

Alex is: handling school from home pretty well. I’m sure I stay on him too much about stuff, but I’m a worry wart. I’ve discovered that Alex enjoys puzzles. I pulled out a puzzle 2 or 3 weeks into this isolation period and Alex is the one who comes around the most to work on it.

Rob is: still going into the office, because he prefers that. He’s also been meeting with his D-Group via Zoom, although they wrapped it up last week, so no more D-Group till Fall.

The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: getting little projects around the house. I’ve made a list of places that need cleaning and reorganizing and I just do one here and there as I have the energy. That just makes me feel so good.

More about this month>>>>What’s Up Wednesday – April 2020

Look back at last month.
Archive – needs to be updated.


  1. Ouch, I’m so sorry to hear about your hiking fall. That sounds painful! Thanks for the tip on Everyday Eyecandy – I’m always looking for interesting blog reading. Have a good weekend!

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