July To Do List

July To Do List

July To Do List

June Goal Recap
–Learn more about air plants and possibly get some
I did some research online about air plants, but decided to wait on purchasing some for now.

–Visit, photograph, and blog a local cemetery
I didn’t visit a cemetery, because I remembered I have photos from several years ago when I visited Pine Hill Cemetery. I’m working on a blog post and should have that up soon, so this goal wasn’t totally all for not.

–Go to the thrift store
I did, but they were about to close. I didn’t realized they closed so early. Hoping to get back there soon.

–Go on a hike
Why did I put this as a goal in the summer? It’s too dang hot!

–Finish writing about West Coast Trip and post
So very happy to have that done. Yes, it’s taken me a year, but I don’t like to rush these things. Editing 10,000+ pics can be painful tedious.

–Redo the landing page for the West Coast Trip
This took much longer than anticipated that’s why some of there other blogging to dos didn’t get done, but I’m super happy with the the way it turned out. You can see it by clicking the link here——–>West Coast Road Trip Itinerary & Travel Booklet

–Edit pictures and write post for Spring Training 2017 and post
I got the pics edited, but still need to get some info from Rob about the parks. He always has pros and cons to add for each park.

–Get a penpal and write a letter I have a penpal and we are corresponding. It is so exciting! I wrote about how to get a penpal.

–Watch 5 Lynda videos/Other webinars
I watched the several educational youtube videos by Peter McKinnon about improving your photography as well as a Lynda series called Learning Food & Drink Photography by Bill Robbins.

–Edit pictures and write post for 2 Colorado trip posts and post
I’ve started editing pics for Colorado, but didn’t have as much time since the last West Coast post took much more time that I expected.

–Write 2 posts about me and or my life
I wrote a post about our Memorial Day Weekend.

–Read 3+ cookbooks and write an informational post about them
Just didn’t even think about this.

–Quit procrastinating and get a Fujifilm INSTAX Mini 8 Instant Camera
I did and I’m not sure I’m in love with it. I think I’ll end up liking it when I figure out how to not blow the photos out.

–Go swimming
Didn’t make time.

–Create at least 2 Instagram flatlays and post (Follow me on Instagram!)
I did create 2 flatlays, but I never posted them on Instagram.

–Do something I’ve never done before
Hrm…I took pics with an instax camera for the first time. I also made a place to hang my instax pics next to my bed.
June To Do Recap

–Get back on the healthy eating plan
No…I was about to start when things with my stomach didn’t seem right. For the last month or so, it’s come to the realization that I’ve become lactose intolerant. This blows my healthy eating plan out the door, because it’s difficult to do low carb without dairy. I’ve got to figure out if taking Lactaid is an option. The first 2 times I tried it I became really hot and sweaty. I can’t stand being hot and who likes being sweaty? UGH!

July To Do List
I realized while looking at June’s list that I had way too many things I wanted to get done. I just don’t have that much time outside of work and having a family. Setting the bar high is something I like to do, but I need to take it down a notch or 2.

–Get more comfortable with my Fujifilm INSTAX Mini 8 Instant Camera.
–Start exercising 3 times a week before the end of the month.
–Get 2 Colorado Trip posts up.
–Start a independent bible study.
–Have lunch with a friend (I need more girl time)
I wouldn’t mind conquering any of my June to does as well.

What are you hoping to get done this month?

Here’s some June/Goal posts I’ve enjoyed…
2017 Goals Update – Can’t believe it’s midyear already!
June Review
What I Learned in June
Main Dish Salads
Summer Goals


  1. Grace

    Thanks for linking to my salads post on Red and Honey! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. You have got a lot of great goals for the summertime on here. All the best!

    • Lysha

      You’re welcome. I’m always looking for fun ways to change up salads and your post has inspired me for sure!

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