Where did the weekend go?

*Yawn*…I’m so tired! The party with the 5 boys plus mine went pretty well. They enjoyed the surprise which was an Auburn basketball game. He wasn’t thrilled with that at first. Drew got to meet some cheerleaders and got his birthday announced during the game. After the game, we came back and they played. We did pizza for dinner and opened presents. They played more and then we did cupcakes. Through the night, they had some spats. 4 of the 5 kids spent the night so it made for an interesting evening. We let them watch a couple movies and they ate so much popcorn. It was crazy! I was so tired from getting up early and going to the math workshop that I went to bed after the first movie was over about 9:00. Around 1:00 I woke up and they were just going to bed. Rob, who stayed up with them, said he said they could stay up as late as they wanted as long as they stayed quiet and didn’t turn the light on. He said this thinking they were so tired they’d talk for a bit and then they’d fall asleep. Well, about 1:30 we were still hearing lots of noise (Drew’s bedroom is above our bedroom). It sounded like they were bouncing off the walls! We had to go up there a couple of times and get them to calm down.

Since they stayed up so late, we’re thinking surely they’ll sleep in…HAHAHAHA.! They were up at 7:00! I felt like heck when we got up. We made Sister Shubert’s Rolls for breakfast and the parents started coming to get the boys. Drew’s best friend stayed until about 4:00. We went to the AU baseball scrimmage and to the park. Rob’s mom got here about 2:00. I’m exhausted and plan to go to sleep early tonight!

I keep thinking about this time 8 years ago…maybe I’ll tell that story later. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!


  1. I know you are tired but the party did sound fun. Happy Birthday to TV Boy!

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