Another month over with and I’m racing to get my end of the month posts done. I’m in the office this week, which means I’m exhausted when I get home, so I don’t feel like blogging after work, and last week was crazy so I’m a bit behind. Such is life!
Today I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.
What We’re Eating
Honestly yall! I am a bit burnt out with cooking right now. I have managed to throw some pasta in the instant pot. Rob recently cooked porkloin on the grill, which was tasty. I am still not really back in the habit of menu planning, but need to get there. That makes life a little easier.
What I’m Reminiscing About
Just thinking back to Easters past…
2019 – when we got to attend Easter service in person

2005 – Alex’s 1st Easter

Isn’t this little corgi planter so cute! I mean it’s hardly large enough to plant something in. If this little succulent doesn’t work, I’ll probably try an air plant.

Lately work has been quite stressful. I feel like the only time I mention work is when I’m stressed. I usually love my job, but lately…not as much! I hate having to micromanage and discipline and that’s what last week was unfortunately.
What I’m Dreading
Not sure I’m dreading anything right now.
What I’m Working On
We are still working on going through stuff since getting our carpet upstairs replaced. Last weekend Rob and I went through a bunch of stuff and we hung shelves in his office closet, like the one bought from the top closet designers in Houston, for more storage. Happy to making progress on all that.

I am excited to get some more projects done around the house that we’ve put on hold until Rob’s step dad is vaccinated and can come help us. Just for memories sake I’ll list those here:
-fix double light switches so you can turn on and off from either switch (both hall ways and front room)
-fix dead outlet plug in kitchen
-fix wall in kitchen behind new side board cabinet. After we do this we can paint and hang shelves! Yay!
-fix utility room ceiling
What I’m Watching/Reading/Listening
Look for this answer in my Memories of the Month for March post that will come out in a few days.
What I’m Wearing
Today I’m wearing black shirt and salmon colored capris.
Last week I got a camo t-shirt that I talked about. I wore it on Monday, but I wasn’t feeling the selfie at all. I’ll try to take a pic of me wearing it at some point.
What I’m Doing This Weekend
Well, its Easter weekend so I will spend Saturday cleaning and preparing for Sunday. If time is not of the essence, then companies like Indianapolis Maids can do all the cleaning. On Sunday we will attend in person worship and then Rob’s parents are coming over for lunch and to visit. I think the weathers going to be nice so we plan to hang out on the back deck.
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
I’ve got all my seedlings that need to be planted. I need to harden them off and get them in the permanent home for the summer. That’s one thing I need to do this weekend is to get the garden cleaned up and all the pots ready to planted in.
What Else is New
I think I covered everything.
In case you missed last month…February’s What’s Up Wednesday
I’ve menu planned but that doesn’t mean we’ve been following it! Hahaha!!! I’m feeling soooo uninspired with food lately. Ugh. And those memories of Easters past are soooo cute. I hope your work life improves — that’s hard when work isn’t going well.
Thanks! Glad to know I’m not the only one feeling like this about food/cooking.
I’m kind of relieved to read both your comment on dinners this week as well as Natasha’s above as I too have been menu planning but not really feeling like cooking or following it at all. I’ve been doing just awful at remember to check for the all the ingredients before shopping too! It’s not a good habit to get into but it is what it is and none of us is starving over here so I figure whatever… I love all the florals in your church Easter photos. That was such a fun little trip down memory lane.
I use Walmart pickup so I add to the grocery list in the app as the week goes. The weeks that I’m actually planning, I pull up the app and look at all the recipes to make sure I don’t forget anything. However, with the recipes I know in my head, I always seem to leave out something. SO frustrating.
Yes, my church does love to cover the front in flowers. So beautiful.
That little planter is darling! Hopefully the succulent thrives in it! Love the throwback photos to Easter pasts, too!
I am so bad with succulents, so I hope it survives! 🙂