What’s Up Wednesday ~ March 2019

What’s Up Wednesday ~ March 2019

This post snuck up on me. I can’t believe another month has gone by and looking back at last month’s post I feel in some ways very unproductive, but in other ways I’m amazed at what I accomplished last month.

What's Up Wednesday - February 2019

Today I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

What We’re Eating
Easy-Peasy Lasagna

Chili with Cornbread Waffles

Crockpot Chili With Cornbread Waffle

Cornbread Waffles - Need an alternative to cornbread? These cornbread waffles are great because you can pop them in the waffle iron, not needing to heat the oven.

I also have been cooking from some of my favorite food bloggers: Plain Chicken, Sally’s Baking Addiction, and Closet Cooking.

What I’m Reminiscing About
Our great trip over Spring Break and wishing I was still there.Spring Break Trip 2019

What I’m Loving
I am loving the longer days. It is nice to go home and it be light outside still.

What We’ve Been Up To
Well Drew has been traveling a lot with the Auburn Pep Band in support of Auburn’s Men Basketball team, which is so exciting. In fact they left this morning to go to Kansas City for the Sweet 16 Game and hopefully the Elite 8 game as well.

Alex had his 2nd soccer game of the Spring season last night. He is finally done with Les Miserables and is now reading Goodbye Days for his independent reading in English.

Let’s see as far and Rob and I go we’re pretty much just going to work and doing what do…living and dying by our busy calendars. We finish up with our year long bible study next week, so I’m super excited about that.

What I’m Dreading
I’m about to go my 2nd appointment with this new PT, Jeff. While I really liked the 1st PT I had at this place, her method of therapy didn’t work for me. Jeff is nice and all but his bedside manner is weird, but I can get over that as long as the therapy works.

What I’m Working On
Lately I’ve been trying to go through all my food and travel posts and make sure they have the vertical pins and if not I’m making vertical pins for them. Believe it or not that is time consuming! With that going through all my scanned pictures from my Grandmother’s house was put on the back burner. I need to have a plan in place to keep working on all of the above.

What I’m Excited About
I’ve just been so excited for Drew and all the experiences he’s getting to have traveling with the Pep Band. I’m excited about the Auburn basketball game on Friday.

What I’m Watching/Reading

What I’m Listening To
I’m currently listening to silence, which is sometimes mind boggling. Right now, I welcome the silence!

What I’m Wearing
Today I’m dressed down for my PT appointment. I’m wearing my new Nikes. They’re so comfy!

What I’m Doing This Weekend
Friday after work we’ll be watching Auburn basketball vs. North Carolina. Saturday I’m babysitting for my sis-in-law while Rob and others help her move. Sunday, we play handbells at church. That afternoon is a 2nd gathering for my Cooking Club. So excited for that!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
I’m hoping next month the person who is supposed to be replacing my old position will get to start. I will happy to only have to do 1 job and not 2 1/3 people’s jobs.

What Else is New
I’m setting a couple goals for my to do list:
1. Fast Foto Pics – Complete 25 folders by end of April
2. Vertical Pics for Pinterest – Get 15 Travel & 15 Food made
3. Write 2 New Food posts
4. Write 2 New York posts

Bonus question this month: WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE EASTER SIDE DISH?
I love my Candied Green Beans and this Hash Brown Casserole.

In case you missed last month…February’s What’s Up Wednesday


  1. Love your Nike’s. How did I miss your spring break vacation post?! The chili and cornbread waffle look delicious!

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