Yall, I don’t know even know what happened last week. I realized over the weekend that today is the yesterday of January which means I should have written and posted this post last Wednesday! Ooops!! Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.
What We’re Eating
Earlier in January, Rob cooked some steaks out on the grill and tried the Bobby Flay method and they were really yummy. We also did some New Orleans BBQ Shrimp. I did a new stir-fry in sheet pan with fried rice that was the best I’ve ever made. I need to try and recreate it and tweak what I wrote down to share with yall. It was so good!
What I’m Reminiscing About
Today I’m thinking back to this day in 2016. Rob and I were on a 10 day cruise. I miss cruising so much. We were in St. Lucia 5 years ago today. Can’t believe it was that long ago.

What I’m Loving
I am loving my new iPhone. I went from a 7 to a iPhone 12 Pro. My old phone was starting to have so many issues and I had been holding off. It was worth the wait!
What We’ve Been Up To
Well this passed weekend was COVID weekend! Not a weekend, I had hoped for at all. Since Rob and I got the vaccine the weekend before last, I was thinking we might actually make through all this without ever getting it. I know with just the 1st shot you’re about 45% covered, but still. Rob started feeling bad last week and was thinking it was probably side effects from the vaccine. He texted our doctor who recommended getting tested just to be sure. So Saturday morning he got up and went over to one of the urgent cares here in town. After about 2 hours of being there, he tested positive for COVID. He got home and told Alex and I, so we went and waiting 2 hours to find out we were negative! This is really odd since Alex has had a really bad sore throat and headache. His taster has been a little off. I’m bringing him in this afternoon to be tested again and they’re going to test for other things if his COVID comes back negative again. I’ll keep you updated.
What I’m Dreading
Not sure I’m dreading anything in particular. I’m just tired and I’m tired of being stressed. I’m praying that Rob’s symptoms don’t get any worse. As I type this I hear him coughing his head off in the other room.
What I’m Working On
Several years ago I purchased a fast scanner and scanned in pretty much all of the old photos I had from my grandmother’s. I still need to go through them all and do some minor editing and post them to my flickr account. I started going through them last week and realized I have a lot of duplicates for one reason or another. So that is now a big project that work on here and there as time allows. I’m using some free software called dupeGuru which produced a report that I’m working through to eliminate the duplicates. When I’m done with that I will continue to edit and upload.
What I’m Excited About
Not sure what to be excited about right now.
What I’m Watching/Reading/Listening
I’ll answer this in my Memories of the Month post in the coming days.
What I’m Wearing
I’m wearing these Old Navy Mid-Rise Breathe ON Jogger Pants for Women with a tshirt and a cardigan. It’s cold outside and our heater is acting up.
What I’m Doing This Weekend
This weekend we’ll still be under quarantine, so I’m assuming we’ll just be hanging out here. I suppose.
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
In February, not really sure.
What Else is New I think that’s it!
In case you missed last month…December’s What’s Up Wednesday
Hope you and your son stay well, and the your hub’s symptoms stay relatively minor. This darn virus. Enough already!!
Well as you may have seen in later posts, my son ended up testing positive, but his symptoms aren’t much worse that a bad cold.
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear you’re in Covid quarantine. I hope the rest of you don’t get it and that Rob has a mild case and feels better soon. Ugh. What a way to end the month/begin a new one.
It is just so weird the way all this is happening.