Week 50:2023

By | December 15, 2023

Highlights for Week 50 11-15, 2023

Our neighbor behind us cut down some trees that were covering their backyard, but they were actually in our yard. We were ok with it.

2023-12-11 13.21.41

We saw Sandi Patty at the Gogue.

2023-12-11 20.03.27

After years of working at the university, we finally got invited to the President’s Christmas party. We had a lovely time. Such a beautiful home and event space.

2023-12-12 19.42.17

2023-12-12 20.13.52ee

2023-12-12 20.12.10

2023-12-12 20.11.40

2023-12-12 20.08.34

2023-12-12 20.12.46

Chocolate chip bars for the two parties this week

2023-12-12 11.37.51

Bible Study Christmas party at my new church 🙂


Ending this weekly highlight a little early for the holidays! I’ve got a couple posts scheduled out, but other than that…I’ll catch you after Christmas!! Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!

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