Week 5::2023

Week 5::2023

Wowzas, yall! Another week down. Here’s my (Jan. 31-Feb. 5, 2023) highlights…

I came home from work to find a bunch of packages. My neighbor across the street was like you must be Amazon’s favorite customer. I was like, well we got a wedding coming up so that’s what all this is for.
2023-01-31 16.17.32

Katniss hasn’t laid on my bed in awhile, but she made her way back to her spot early this week.

2023-01-30 22.44.16

Alex and Madison came to hang out before they went to the basketball game.


2023-01-28 10.00.30

Alex and Madison came over to hang out with me. Rob had left for Winter Retreat. We watched YouTube and I made them some pasta. I watched them play chess. Oh and he cut up the pineapple for me.

2023-02-02 16.13.06

Kayleigh and Katniss were happy that the Alex and Madison were there.

2023-02-02 20.04.57

Rob left for Winter Retreat.

After work I went to the church to meet up with Laura, who is making the charcuterie boards for the social hour part of the wedding reception and we looked at the room to talk about layout and how many boards, etc.

I also went to the kitchen to look at serving items and cake stands.

2023-02-02 15.58.01

2023-02-02 15.58.17

Getting photos ready for the social hour table display.

2023-02-02 21.45.22

I worked through lunch so I could go check my niece out of school for Winter Retreat and I after dropping her off, I was going to go downtown to look for something. However, when I got to the high school to check her out, they wouldn’t let me because I wasn’t on the list. So I texted my sis-in-law and headed downtown.

Pulled all the old batteries out of these.

2023-02-04 11.48.24

Polished the serving knife and cake server that Rob and I used so Drew and Caitlyn can use them for thier cake.

2023-02-04 10.26.55

I had picked this up from Big Lots the other day. They had all the keto/gluten free stuff on sale or least displayed on an aisle shelf that caught my eye. This stuff is so pricy, but their prices were little more tolerable.

2023-02-05 14.37.30

I made these on Sunday. I ate a few and froze the rest to keep me from gorging on them. They are just a bit grainy, but still really good considering they are gluten and sugar free. They’re pretty good. I added a few more pecans and 2 sugar free dark chocolate chips on each one.

2023-02-05 15.08.59

I laid down for a bit to take a break from wedding prep, because I had worked on stuff all weekend and I was literally exhausted from it all. The sun was setting and its always such a show in my bedroom.

2023-02-05 16.38.22

They came over on Sunday to drop off some more wedding stuff and I got pictures of them that we will use for an activity during the reception.

2023-02-05 16.19.46

2023-02-05 16.19.31>

Rob’s adopted sister got Kayleigh this beanie. She’s cute in it, but she doesn’t like it and its really made more for a dog with a different shaped head…or something.

2023-02-05 15.06.48

This was my dinner. Rob went out with winter retreat staff to celebrate, but I wasn’t feeling like going.

2023-02-05 18.00.49

Other news
Another thing is that Rob found out he’s going to go to New Jersey right across the river from NYC this summer. He asked if I wanted to go and I was like, “a trip? uh, yeah!” So we are making plans for that, which I’ll talk about more later. Excited for our 2 trips planned for this year.

Oh…I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned, but I’ve been kind of at a stand still with my weight loss and so decided I need to up my workout game. I’ve started doing a walk/jog regimen to see if that helps. Like walk 5 minutes, run 1 minute, because while I’ve been walking everyday since end of September, running is a whole ‘nother level of stamina required. I’ll update on this later after I’ve been doing it for a little bit.


  1. You must be so busy right now with the wedding planning! Excited that you will get a NYC trip this summer!

  2. Whooo hooooo NYC!!!!! That’s so exciting!!! Also, now I want a pineapple 🙂

  3. Joanne

    I keep thinking I want to try adding running into my workouts too but it really is a whole different level of stamina. You’ve got to get a pineapple corer/peeler thingy. They make cutting up pineapples a breeze. I used to avoid cutting up pineapples and now we go through 4 of them a week and it takes just a minute to cut them up.

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