Week 46 & 47 [2021]

Week 46 & 47 [2021]

The week before Thanksgiving wasn’t too crazy.

Look at this adorable Gnome I got from Walmart dot com by accident. Put it in my cart on the Walmart app and when I went to put my pickup order in I accidentally pressed buy from both carts or something. I realized it a few minutes after getting the confirmation email.

2021-11-18 12.56.20

A snapchat from Caitlyn of her and Drew at the AU Men’s Basket ball game.

2021-11-16 20.29.49
Buster and Kayleigh playing

2021-11-21 18.46.33

How cute is Buster?!?!

2021-11-21 18.40.37e

Last Monday Rob and I were going to meet for lunch. I had a few minutes to spare before he could get there, so I drove down the street to run to the Dollar Store. I ran in, got what I needed, came out just in time to drive to the restaurant to see this! (my car is on the left) I had to go back into the store and after 10 minutes or so we finally found the driver and she moved the truck so I could leave.

2021-11-22 12.12.34

Here’s the family picture from Thanksgiving day.


So much good food!

2021-11-25 16.08.57

Rob and I went to Walgreens Friday night and I found these on the Christmas aisle.

2021-11-26 17.50.12

The in-laws were in Florida for Thanksgiving, so I drove out to their place each day to feed the animals. Here’s Collette chowing down.

2021-11-27 12.21.21

Sunday was the first day of Advent, so the sanctuary was already decorated so beautifully!

2021-11-28 09.52.27

Sunday night Rob, Alex, and I watched several episodes of Survivor while Alex worked on his new puzzle.

2021-11-28 20.26.45


  1. WHY on earth did someone think they could park like that?!?!?!? That’s crazy!!! And your sanctuary looks so festive.

  2. Joanne

    That gnome is so cute! What a happy accident. Looks like a fun family Thanksgiving.

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