Week 15 was April 10th-16th and that was the week were in the desert. I was going to do a summary post, but I haven’t been able to go through the pics…
Week 16 was last week (April 17th-23rd). Here’s a quick run down of happenings there.
Drew dropped Bigsby off Monday morning. I had taken the day off because that was the day we got back from our trip at 8:30am and I knew I would need sleep. I pulled out the big red bed for him to lay on. Instead he rolls up into a little wad to lay in the little bed. So funny!

Tuesday and Wednesday were just days of playing catch up at work and at home. Unpacking and putting stuff back where it goes, folding/hanging clothes, and trying to find normalcy after vacay.
When I pulled into my parking space, I saw a random orange scooter someone had left on the edge of the sidewalk. When I looked a little closer, I saw someone else who was thrown off by the orange scooter as well. A squirrel was standing there checking it out. It was the cutest little interaction I’ve seen in a long time. He would stretch up tall and look up at it, like “what is this?” Love these little moments. I got this picture before he got spooked and ran off.

Since getting back from our desert trip, I decided I needed to try and use stuff out of the fridge and freezer. You know kind of a ‘clean out’? I made this chicken using several items that needed to be used before they went bad. It was really good. Might post the recipe.

I mean, this never gets old seeing what position she is in in the mornings when I get up. I love it when she doesn’t even budge, she’s so comfy.

Can’t believe its time for another commencement ceremony here next week.

Saturday I worked on the back deck to clean and get the containers cleaned out so I could plant most of my seedlings, except for peppers and a couple others.

Before – this doesnt show you the piles and piles of leaves that ended up coming off this deck.


Already had a Zinnia bloom under the grow lights.

My home office hasn’t recovered from the wedding and all the furniture and stuff we moved from upstairs after getting Rob’s grandmother’s table and china cabinet.

It has been driving me nuts, so I got in here Sunday and got it much better. Here it is after. Still not how I want it, but at least I can walk in the room and use the desk.

Your office is looking much better! And so are your plants! I’m hoping to do some planting soon, too.
I’d be interested in that chicken recipe! How cute to see the squirrel checking out the scooter.