Wee Bit Wednesday 7.20.11

{one} what is your dream job?
Ugh. Right now a home executive would be great! Later, when my kids are grown up something with traveling would be awesome, but I pretty much love my job now. No complaints!

{two} how many best friends do you have?
I don’t know that I have any “best friends.” The one person I would consider my BFF lives out of town and we don’t keep in touch like we should.

{three} what’s the longest road trip you’ve ever taken?
Lubbock, Tx to Auburn, AL. Although, we stopped several times.

{four} if you had to do one single thing every day for the next year, what would it be?

{five} what’s one story your family always tells about you?
It depends what family you ask. I may have to come back to this one.

{six} how did your parents pick your name?
You read about that here.

{seven} what’s the one thing that scares you more than anything?
Spending my life in discontent. I only get one life… I just hope I’m strong enough to make the right decisions.

{eight} are you a good cook?
Yah, most of the time. 🙂

{nine} where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I don’t even know. I’m just taking life as it comes.

{ten} what’s your best childhood memory?
Playing with my brothers. We always had SO much fun making up stupid games that would drown the days away.


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