Wednesday Hodgepodge 3.20.2024

By | March 20, 2024

1. Spring is officially upon us, no matter what the weather may be in your neck of the woods. Is there any ‘spring cleaning’ on your to-do list? What’s your most dreaded task?
I am in total nesting mode more than normal. I can’t remember if I mentioned it yet, but I decided to move my shoulder surgery up. Today is my pre-op appointment, so I’ll share more after that. So I think with the knowledge that I will be very limited for the next 6 weeks and even for months afterwards, I’m trying to get as much cleaning/organizing/purging done before hand. Things I dread cleaning every time I realize I need to do are dusting/wiping down baseboards and blinds and ceiling fans.

2. What’s something many people seem to love, but to you feels like ‘watching the grass grow’?
Racing, golfing, card games

3. Mint grows in abundance during the spring season. Are you a fan? What’s your favorite food with a ‘minty’ flavor?
I like mint in certain situations. I really like lemon balm, which is the same family as mint. Both have nice medicinal uses.

4. It’s been said, ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’ Agree or disagree? Explain.
I believe it does. And thinking it, I’m the person that finds it easier to not talk to someone on the phone when they’re away. It actually makes me miss them more. I’m fine to text or for them to even send pictures. Maybe, I’m weird that way.

5. Are there any festive spring events in your city or town? If so, will you take advantage of them?
Auburn/Opelika do have some fun spring things. I probably won’t do any this year with my surgery coming up in a few weeks.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
I’ve been trying to figure out what to put for this, when I don’t have anything to say really. I thought a fun thing to do would be to look through my photos for this date from previous years and find a good memory to share.

Today I’m sharing from 2022 – 2 years ago – Rob and me and his mom and step dad were on the Carnival Horizon enjoying the sun (after almost missing the cruise!).

Here’s my mother-in-law and me

7 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge 3.20.2024

  1. Mary

    Fun cruise! That was a great idea to look through past photos from this day; I went back and revised my post! 🙂

  2. Elizabeth L Day

    Some of our best friends were from Opelika and Talladega. Such a beautiful part of the country. Best of luck with your shoulder surgery. I’m recouping from hip replacement and I probably have the easier of the two.

  3. Joyce

    Good luck with your shoulder surgery. My son-in-law is an orthopedic surgeon and shoulders are his specialty. It’s a long recovery but I’m sure you’ll do great! Sharing old photos from the day is a good idea for the random. With as many thoughts as I have on a given day it’s still sometimes tough to pin down a random thought for that space. Take care!

  4. Natasha

    Thinking of you as your shoulder surgery approaches. I hope you get enough done that you feel like you can relax after your surgery and just focus on healing.

  5. Kym

    Praying for your surgery to go well! Pretty photo of you and your MIL – you both look so happy and relaxed. Happy Spring!


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