Update on Life {a post with NO pictures}

I’ve been wanting to update on what’s been going on. I’m enjoying so much doing the 365 Project, but this blog wasn’t meant to be mainly a photography blog. Although, this blog has turned into much more that I had originally planned, which was to chronicle the lives of my family, the good, the bad, and sometimes even the ugly!

Life is starting to rev back up again. Drew starts back to soccer practice this week. He’s already returned to his weekly scout meetings and D-group sessions. He’s thinking of trying out for the JV track team. This weekend he’ll be attending his first Winter Retreat. So excited for him! He’s had tons of projects due lately, so we spent much of last weekend trying to get those knocked out.

Alex is planning on playing baseball again this season. He’s enduring 1st grade. Before Christmas, he was getting “straight faces” and a couple “frowny faces” so I emailed the teacher about some concerns we were having. After Christmas he was doing so good. He got smiley faces for a good 8 or so days, then got a couple frowny faces. I’m hoping that we don’t have a long stretch of those again. I may write more specifically about this later.

Rob attended a Walk to Emmaus this past weekend. His good friend Ben was his sponsor and encouraged him do this. The kids and I survived the weekend without him. We really didn’t do anything exciting. I had wanted to take them to do something, but I was just exhausted. We hung out and cooked a yummy breakfast on Saturday and a yummy dinner. They played Wii and took Daisy for a walk, which was the first one she’s been on since hurting herself. Needless to say, I think she was pretty sore afterward, but she had a blast running around with the kids.

Now that Rob has experienced the Walk, he is encouraging me to go. A good friend of mine, volunteered to be my sponsor, so I contacted her about doing it. There are 2 Women’s walks coming up very soon, but if I don’t get into those, I’ll have to wait till September. I’m praying I get in to walk scheduled for the first weekend in March.

So that’s just a quick update on life. Hope yours is good!

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