Hey yall! Here we are again for another travel post. In case you missed other posts from this trip, they’re listed here: Missouri/Kansas Trip
After getting up in Kansas City, our next plan of action was to continue driving.
Entering the state of Kansas

Topeka, KS
Our first stop was in downtown Topeka.

The rotunda was gorgeous!

Down one hall were signs like the one you see below that talked about iconic Kansans. I enjoyed learning about some people I didn’t realize were from there.

The stone corridors on the main floor were beautiful.

From there we drove over to see the Brown vs. Board of Education National Historic Site.

We didn’t go inside, but just reading the facts of what happened here once again was just astonishing, remembering back to when I learned about this growing up.

This Brown v. Board Mural is on a building just perpendicular to the site.

Lawrence, KS
After that we drove over to University of Kansas (about a 30 minute drive), found a spot to park for a bit, and walked around.

It’s pretty campus. Very hilly.

After exploring the campus for a little while we needed food. We ended up at Dempsey’s Burger Pub [623 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS 66044]. Burgers were yum!

After this we made our way to our final destination for the night, Jefferson City, MO, which I will post about soon!
Those burgers look delicious!