Ton’s Mongolian Grill {DFW area, TX}

Ton’s Mongolian Grill {DFW area, TX}

Every time we go to Texas we make a trip over to Grand Prairie, TX where we eat one of our “new” fav Fort Worth eateries; Ton’s Mongolian Grill. Rob introduced me to a restaurant of this sort when we went to Oregon. He used to eat at Chang’s at least once a week when he lived there. A few years ago Rob decided to look for a place like Chang’s in the DFW area and he was so excited to find Ton’s.

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

Ton’s is strictly a Mongolian Grill, where you get your raw meat and veggies. Fill up 1 or 2 bowls at time.

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

At the end of the bar, you can pick and choose, or go by the sauce guide hanging above. You have your choice of Mild, Medium, or Hot.

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

After adding in your sauce you bring it over to the guys at the grill and they cook it for you. They can cook about 10 servings at a time.

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

Ton's Mongolian Grill {Grand Prairie, Texas}

The reasons why we like this type of restaurant:
– choice of what you have in your stir-fry
– choice of sauces
– food is fresh and hot
– all you can eat
– well worth the price
– no other buffet items; meat and veggies are fresh cut
– small dish of ice cream handed out after your finished eating as a palate cleanser

Another article about Ton’s here.


  1. Dad

    Yeh, what she said . . . it is good food. Thanks for lunch Lysha.

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