Me with PlainChicken!

The Weekly [5.5-11.19]

Again another week that has me quite stressed out and posting my weekly update has slid to the bottom of to do list.

The Weekly
1: Drew’s girlfriend graduated from Auburn University! I need to write a post about all the graduation weekend.
2: I took this picture last week when having to walk across campus for something work related.
3: This is my desk where I sat for the last several years. I moved my desk since there is finally someone taking my old position. It will be a fairly long transition, but I’m happy it’s starting at least.
4: With Rob’s Dad here we went out to east in Opelika last Monday before he headed home. We ate at the Irish Bred Pub. That’s my Shepard’s pie. Was ok. Their burger was better.
5: Alex wanted to go see some of his friends perform at the end of the year Show Choir Concert.
6: I made bacon wrapped chicken stuffed with roasted jalapeno cream cheese.
7: My driver’s side window broke and now can’t roll up and down.
8: My pepper seedlings are growing. Probably planted too late, but it’s worth a shot.
9: Sunday at my cookbook club we had a very special guest; Stephanie Parker from PlainChicken.Com

– Drew spent about 24 hours at the lake with Joseph and Kyle.
– We had our last Bell Choir gathering until after summer. We ate at Amsterdam.

– I’m exhausted and way late for this post.

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World

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