1: Last Sunday we had the most gorgeous flowers at church.
2: This is a grub or something, I dunno. Anyone know what it is? As I’ve shared before, I’m currently a little or a lot obsessed with herbs, vegetables, and house plants. So I noticed this little guy hanging out on the siding of my house near my plants.
3: This is one of my new plants. It’s Thai Basil. It had flowered before I got it, so I need to pick all those off. They say that flowering Thai Basil changes the flavor.
4: Alex decided to try out for the 2 traveling soccer teams so we had to take a head shot for registration.
5 & 6: Drew and Alyssa left on Thursday for their journey to Wyoming. Their first stop was St. Louis. They went to the St. Louis Zoo as well as the Arch.
7: Our former neighbors’ son stopped by and hung out with us for a while. He a graduating senior and will be moving so it was nice to visit with him.
8: Our yard is in serious need of lots of work. We got a little bit of work done to our area around this pine tree. This is the before pic. I don’t have an after pic, because it’s not done yet.
9: Here’s a pic of Alex at the last of the tryouts Saturday night.
Started watching Dead on Me on Netflix
Training the new lady at work as well as all the new students
Absolutely exhausted this week
No thoughts this week
Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World
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