The Weekly 4.21-27.2019

The Weekly [4.21-27.19]

The Weekly
1: Our family Easter picture at church
2: On Easter Sunday, we ended up going out Smith Mountain for a hike. We brought Daisy and she loved it! Here she is at the top waiting on the boys to go up to the top of the fire tower.
3: Another pic from Easter Sunday, before we went to Smith Mountain we stopped at the lake. The boys were brave enough to get in the water. It was cold.
4: Mountain Laurel on Smith Mountain
5: We took a pic of my department since it was Employee Appreciation week.
6: Here’s a few of my coworkers with Tierra (far right) who is expecting a baby, so we threw a little shower.
7: Drew and Caitlyn went to the Braves game in Atlanta on Friday night.
8 & 9: Saturday was the Boy Scout Annual planning retreat and these flowers were near the pavilion where we were meeting. So unique and beautiful.

This past week has been quite busy. It was Employment Appreciation Week so we had several extra things. Rob got his 5 year pin so I went to that ceremony. I have 2 coworkers who got awarded the 40 year gift, which is a rocking chair. Amazing!

For Easter I cooked lunch and we brought it over to my sis-in-law’s house. I made ham, bacon wrapped green beans and roasted yellow potatoes with a Strawberry dessert. We hung out for a little while and then everyone scattered so we went home, gathered up our stuff, and headed to the lake and then Smith Mountain for the afternoon. It was a beautiful day to be outside.

This week is going to be, well already is crazy busy. Funerals, graduation parties, tons of work stress, and more. Wish me luck!

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World


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