I’m a day late posting this, but Sunday was crazy and yesterday I just couldn’t get it the post completed. It’s crazy how life gets in the way of my blogging. 😉 So here’s my weekly post about last week. Hope your week has gotten off to great start!
1: Alex hanging out with Katniss.
2: I’m loving all the blooms this time of year.
3: Drew’s girlfriend, Caitlyn, is graduating in May and we got her invitation. I can’t believe it’s time already!
4: If you remember from the last weekly post, Drew is in Kansas City with the AU pep band and Men’s Basketball team. He has been on TV a lot. This last week he made the intro video before AU played UNC and this was a shot of it. You can see it below. Their shirts look almost red on TV.
5: My Sis-in-law’s family moved to a different house this last weekend. I kept the boys while Rob and others helped. Here are the 2 youngest kids watching a show and playing with the big blocks.
6: Alex had both the dog and the cat giving them attention. They love it.
7: Here’s part of the pep band on Friday before the UNC. Drew is the 2nd one over on the front row.
Here’s the video of the intro that Drew is in. He shows up about 44-45 seconds in.
It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, Sheila has so many great quotes that I’ve been taking note to refer back to. Here’s one that’s resonating with me right now.
“…nothing you walk through is wasted with God. He redeems every drop of our suffering.
Taking the next step can be as simple as this: Acknowledge your struggle to God.”

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World