Why do summer photos always look so much better than any other?
Summer is by far the best season for recording memories with your camera! Indeed, there are many reasons for that, but more often than not, our beautiful summer photos rely on the combination of the following happy things:
- You take them during a sunny vacation with the family, so you are more relaxed and it shows!
- The natural light is gorgeous and a lot easier to catch in this season
- You are more likely to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which improves your skin health, so you glow!

Never do anything too active for a great view
As tempting as it can be to go on a hiking mission to capture the mesmerizing sunset over the ocean from the surrounding peaks, hiking in extreme summer temperatures is not without risk, as enthusiastic hiker Nathaniel Whittle explains. If you engage in physical activities in the heat, you are more likely to experience symptoms of heat exhaustion or dehydration. Carrying a camera with you makes you even more vulnerable because you may be too focused on the picture to listen to what your body is trying to tell you!
As a rule of thumb, if you are not familiar with a specific activity, it is best to avoid it. Taking photos could affect your concentration, so you could get hurt, and no picture is worth getting injured for!
Don’t skip sunscreen protection
Sunscreen must become a part of your routine regardless of the season. It is even more important in summer as the likelihood of getting burned is high. Dermatologists recommend products with SPF 60 or higher if you intend to spend time outdoors.
Unfortunately, most people will apply sunscreen with insufficient protection in summer, despite staying most of the day outside. Additionally, photographers tend to skip reapplying sunscreen during the day because it can make their hands sticky or greasy. Your hands require protection as much as the rest of your body, as it will prevent premature aging and health complications. You should also ensure to reapply every 2 hours, especially during the sweaty weather!
Protect your eyes
Will holding a camera in front of your face protect your eyes from the sun?
The answer is no. While you may not want to wear sunglasses, they are a must-have for every summer photographer, and if you’re looking for the best glasses this summer, visit Specs Direct Shop.
Wearing darker lenses may affect manual settings for your camera’s exposure. However, it will not affect the act of taking photos, and you can learn to adjust as you go. Some photographers rely on the camera’s auto exposure, which means they don’t use the naked eye to judge light.
Tinted glasses may also alter the perceived colors on the LCD screen. But you can choose to take off your glasses momentarily to check the screen.
Are you ready to pack for a brilliant summer vacation and capture fantastic memories? Remember to stay safe as an enthusiastic photographer this summer and protect your health at all times in the sun!
A few years ago we went ziplining in the Dominican Republic. I wanted to capture every terrifying moment on camera but it got to the point that I needed to focus on what I was doing and forget capturing the day for posterity. Great tips!!