TBB Asks Christmas Edition

TBB Asks Christmas Edition

Today I’m joining along with The Blended Blog (TBB) for some Christmas fun. I always enjoy writing posts like this so I can look back and see how my answers have changed through the years.
TBB Asks - December 2018

1. Candy Canes? Yes, while I’m not a huge candy cane fanatic, I enjoy one here and there. I like to decorate with them too. Santa usually puts some different flavors in our stockings.

2. Christmas Morning early riser or sleep in? You know when the kids were little we had to be early risers, because they were just too anxious to sleep in. The last few years it seems we’ve kinda had to wake them up, because we can’t sleep all day especially when you’re the ones hosting Christmas for family later in the day.

3. Did you shop on Black Friday Shop? No, however I had Drew’s girlfriend pick something up for me while she was out on Thanksgiving evening.

4. Christmas Tree up in November? No, we get a real tree every year. We actually go to a farm and cut one down, and we like to stick with Christian calendar and keep our Christmas stuff up as close to the end of Christmas season/beginning of Epiphany. That usually hits anywhere from Jan. 2nd-8th. Knowing both those factors, putting a tree up before the first or second week in December just isn’t a good idea.

5. Do you get holiday ideas from Pinterest? Um, yeah! Who doesn’t?!?

6. Christmas glam or ugly sweater? It really depends. I think typically I’m more of an ugly sweater kind of girl. However, for some occasions I enjoy glamming it up around Christmas.

7. Stocking Stuffers: Wrapped or Unwrapped? Unwrapped!

8. Traditional or Modern Christmas Songs I love all sort of Christmas music, so I like a mixture of both.

9. Fruitcake? I don’t think I’ve actually eaten any of this since I was a kid, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be a huge fan of it now. Besides, there are way too many other goodies to worry with Fruitcake.

10. Is your Christmas shopping finished? Actually I haven’t even started!

11. Is there snow in December where you live? No, not usually. I think about 10 years ago it snowed the day after Christmas, but it wasn’t a lot.

12. Classic show: A Charlie Brown Christmas or Rudolph? Man, I think this is the hardest question. I like both, but if I had to choose I would say Charlie Brown Christmas.

More Christmas posts from the past:
December Little Things 2017
Christmas Tree Shopping 2016
Christmas Tree Tradition 2015
Christmas Tree Shopping 2012
Christmas Tree Shopping 2011
Current Christmas Traditions 2009

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