Sentence a Day – June 2021

Sentence a Day – June 2021

1 / Tuesday - Met Rob and Alex for lunch at Beyond the Wok. Neighborhood turkey - Not sure where this turkey lives or if he just hangs out in…
Sentence a Day – April 2021

Sentence a Day – April 2021

1 / Thursday - Started trying to clean up garden area on the deck. Need to get pots ready to plant stuff in and have the place looking better for…
Sentence a Day – March 2021

Sentence a Day – March 2021

Here's my March Sentence a Day...maybe more like a paragraph a day depending on the day! 1 / Monday - In the office this week. Pretty chill day. Rob sent…
Sentence a Day – February 2021

Sentence a Day – February 2021

It's time again for another Sentence a Day. Last month, I stuck with an actual sentence. This time I just wrote what I wanted to write, so this month's a…
Sentence a Day – January 2021

Sentence a Day – January 2021

This last year several of my blogging buddies have been doing a post called Sentence a Day where you write down a sentence to sum up your day. Now I…