I really hate when life and all it’s problems start to get to me. When I get that feeling that I swallowed a 10 lb. dumbbell, my fingers start to ache, and nervousness rushes through me from my head down to my toes. It’s just not a good feeling. I can handle a lot, but it seems like circumstances, many of which are not in my control, just keep getting shoveled on top of me one after another. Just when I think I can push my way through it all and get back on my feet, one more heaping pile is added and I’m thrown back down on my back again only to have to dig my way back through hoping to make it out this time. All of this sucks the joy right out of me. Now these things could be worse, I realize this, but I was just sitting here thinking. I love this time of year, or at least I used to.