30 days of Thankfulness – Day 17

I am thankful for technology. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, it's a way of life. Without technology I literally wouldn't be where I am today!

Love Note at Work

One night not long ago, I got back to work after my dinner break and found this note on my computer. Usually I get "love notes" left for me on…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 16

I am thankful for my family near and far. I'm especially thankful for my Mom and Dad and my Grandparents. They are a great mixture of personalities and I've learned…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 15

Source: google.com via Diane on Pinterest I am thankful for sun-kissed beaches, snow-laced mountains, cottony white clouds, orange sun, blue skies, rolling green plains, and all things created by our…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 14

I am thankful for Rob. He's: - educated - articulate - steadfast - assertive - loving - friendly - wonderful - understanding - opinionated - my hottie - my best…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 13

I am thankful my boys. They amaze me in so many ways and I know I don't tell them that enough. Who couldn't love these cuties? A few things I…


Today I had a family photo session with some of my friends. After getting done there, I made my way over to Town Creek Park, where I found some trees…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 12

I am thankful for my dog, Daisy. She is such an awesome companion. She is the perfect dog for our family. I am very thankful for Tracy, who gave Daisy…

Fall Colors

Today I had a family photo session with some of my friends. After getting done there, I made my way over to Town Creek Park, where I found some trees…
Fill in the Blank Friday 11.11.11

Fill in the Blank Friday 11.11.11

1. My favorite new blog of the moment is Behind the Camera and Dreaming. 2. Something I am thankful for is my family. 3. Something that made me laugh this…

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 11

I'm thankful for our veterans; for those past, present, and future. My adopted soldier came home this week and I'm so happy for him and thankful for the sacrifices that…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 10

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 10

I am thankful for the opportunity to learn. My job offers free tuition for me at limited number of hours each semester. Although, I haven't taken advantage of that. I…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 9

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 9

Today I'm thankful for the great Scouting program that we have here in Auburn. I'm very proud to say that my hubby, Rob is a huge reason that the pack…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 8

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 8

I am thankful I am able to help others through giving blood. Today was my 2nd time to give blood. It's such a rewarding feeling...a little woozy, but still great…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 7

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 7

Today I'm thankful my awesome group of student workers. I've found through my experiences in my new job, that I love working with college aged 'kids.' The students I work…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 6

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 6

I'm thankful for a wonderful church. My church is truly amazing. I'm amazed at: -the huge church family. -the great missions programs. -the active youth program and all that it…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 5

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 5

Today I'm thankful for my job. I love my job and even if I didn't I'm thankful to finally have steady income after several year so of not having it.…
Traditional Fall Wreath

Traditional Fall Wreath

Fall Wreath

I have finally decided to take the plunge and start crafting and decorating a little here and there. I miss it so much and pinterest sure has made me crave it even more. Since I love Fall so much, it is a great time to get in the spirit and add touches of Fall through the house.

A couple weeks ago, I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a few things to make this Fall Wreath. There are several other type of Fall wreaths I want to make, but I decided to start with, what I call, a traditional fall wreath.

Fill in the Blank Friday 11.4.11

1. My favorite thing about this week was finishing up on some crafts. 2. Colder weather makes me want to bundle up and get cozy by the fireplace. 3. Three…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 4

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 4

Today I'm thankful for our freedom. We get so wrapped in our daily lives that we don't realize how lucky we are to: live where we want. do what we…