Tag Archives: May 2014

Life Lately #2…

By | May 30, 2014

Life lately is filled with… ~~ Fun at the lake last weekend with friends for Memorial Day. Post coming soon. ~~ Stress! This week has been so stressful. I can’t talk about the details of the stress, because I never know who might be reading this. 🙂 Needless to say, through all the stress of… Read More »

Life Lately #1…

By | May 23, 2014

Today I’m starting a new series that I’d like to do each week called Life Lately. This will be just random tidbits about what is going on in life. There’s always things I’d like to share, but more times than not, it’s not enough to write an entire post on. I thought doing it this… Read More »

Family Date Night 2014

By | May 16, 2014

A few weeks ago, we left work early, checked the kids out of school, and drove up to Atlanta for a night at the Fox. After getting up to Atlanta, we parked and decided to walk around a bit before figuring out where we would eat dinner. We walked by this beautiful church, All Saints… Read More »

Travel Bucket List

By | May 13, 2014

Lately I have been feeling burned out. When I get in that mode, it means I probably need to take a break one way or another. If I can’t physically pick up and go on vacation, I sometimes just take a quick trip on the internet and let my vacation fantasies run free. The other… Read More »

Little Trip to the ER

By | May 2, 2014

“2 more songs.            I can make it.                       Come on.                             Hurry up!                                       I need to get outta here!”