Tag Archives: May 2011


By | May 20, 2011

Recently found this on another blog… 1. Define trailer trash: In the South, this is a derogatory term used to describe some folks that live in trailers. 2. What are your thoughts on WalMart? I love to hate WalMart. I only go there because I believe that I truly save a lot of money. 3.… Read More »

Wee Bit Wednesday 5.18.11

By | May 18, 2011

First, I wanted to say I’m still here. I’ll be working soon to get my posts caught up. I’ve been really stressed as of late with important life happenings and then end of the school year. Check back soon for my 365 and other posts. 🙂 {one} do you watch the history channel? if so,… Read More »

Wee Bit Wednesday 5.11.11

By | May 11, 2011

Over at This Life is Sweet today, she did a meme called Wee Bit Wednesday and I decided to give it a shot as well! {one} what profession have you always admired? I’ve always admired doctors and nurses or really anyone in the medical field. {two} what would the title of your memoir/biography be if… Read More »

DMS Band Concert

By | May 10, 2011

::::::Random thoughts:::::: Not only the last concert of the year, but Drew’s… last concert at DMS. last concert as a 7th grader. I tapped my toe. I shook my leg. I couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear. The songs made me happy. I took way too many pictures. I wanted to jump on the… Read More »

1 Word Meme

By | May 6, 2011

While perusing through Lauren’s blog I found this meme. Don’t think I’ve ever done this one, so here goes! 1. Where is your cell phone? purse 2. Relationship? forever 3. Your hair? longer 4. Work? fun 5. Your sister? young 6. Your favorite things? hugs 7. Your dream last night? none 8. Your favorite drink?… Read More »

Happy Children’s Book Week {May 2-8}

By | May 3, 2011

This week is Children’s Book Week! Yay! Since Children’s books are my favorite, I’m bubbling with excitement to share my favorite children’s books of all time. When I started thinking back to the books I had growing up, this is one that comes to mind first. I remember purchasing this at a school book fair.… Read More »