Fill in the Blank Friday 7.29.11

1. My favorite color is red. Yah, I used to where it all the time. Red and black, which worked out great when I was at a student at Texas…
Writer’s Workshop

Writer’s Workshop

A list of 10 old TV shows you’d like to make a comeback. Ok, so when I first read this prompt, I was thinking that this was asking for shows…


Drew got his braces today! He just got the top set today along with 'stuff' on the bottom teeth (which you can't see unless he opens his mouth) so that…
Wee Bit Wedneday

Wee Bit Wedneday

{one} what is your dream job? Ugh. Right now a home executive would be great! Later, when my kids are grown up something with traveling would be awesome, but I…

Wee Bit Wednesday 7.20.11

{one} what is your dream job? Ugh. Right now a home executive would be great! Later, when my kids are grown up something with traveling would be awesome, but I…
Wee Bit Wednesday 7.13.11

Wee Bit Wednesday 7.13.11

{one} what’s the #1 most played song on your iPod (or whatever you use)? I'm not at home to look, but I think it's a song by Asia, either Only…

Fill in the Blank Friday 7.15.11

1. I am a (morning, evening, middle of the day person) To answer this one is hard. It really depends on how I'm feeling, but I think I'm really a…

Rob Quote

"I feel like I snatched a meal from the jaws of death!" -Rob This was after he made dinner one night with some food that was past it's expiration date.