July To Do Recap –Get more comfortable with my Fujifilm INSTAX Mini 8 Instant Camera. - I didn't do as much as I would have liked. One day after work,…
Yesterday was the first day of school and I've already belabored the fact I'm sick about it. Here's my boys before their 1st day as a Junior and a 5th…
With the kids going back to school this week, I'm always reminded of PBJ's tucked away in the old metal lunch boxes. I found this yummy recipe for PBJ muffins.…
Can't believe summer is over and I have a 10th grader and a 4th grader! Here they are from 2009 to now!Click to enlarge. Here's a collection of all my…
School finally started today! It was supposed to start 2 weeks ago, but just before school was out our state legislature decided to mandate schools to start later this year.…
It's back to school time already! Drew is moving from the middle school to the junior high! 8th grade, What? Alex is in 2nd grade. WOW! 2011 2010 2009 Here's…