T E N today!!

T E N today!!

Drew is 10 today! He’ll never be a single digit age again! His life in pictures…

(not in any order)
Baby A Just Got Home!

Santa 1998

Fun in the Backyard!

Fun at the Park

Playing dress up in his Newspaper Hat

Mr. A and Mom

Playing on the Beach

Mr. A and Mom 98

Gulf Port, Mississippi

Mr. A's Baseball Game 9/19

Cruise 2005

Sleeping boy

Happy big brother

Silly boys

"I tamed it!"

See all of my birthday posts here.


  1. Mr Mag

    I love this pictures! They are some of my favorite. I especially like the 5th one – the one in the paper hat. Lots of memories. Hopefully the next 10 years won’t go as fast… Don’t you feel old sometimes looking back? I do…

  2. Steph

    Hate we missed his birthday… we’ll be sure to sing a belated happy birthday to him this weekend. He’s such a GOOD kid and cute too. Can’t believe how much him and your other one favor when you compare them at the same age. I would have never guessed it! And rest assured my oldest will be dying to check out the new DS when he hears about it.

  3. BethC

    Such a sweet post. My son turns 5 this Tuesday. I have no idea where the time has gone!

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