Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

One Sunday, nearly a month ago, our church hosted the senior recognition breakfast and service. It was an exciting morning. We enjoyed fellowship with friends and family. Rob’s Mom, step Dad, and adopted sister, Rachael came to it. Breakfast included egg and bacon casserole, grits, fruit salad, and cinnamon covered biscuits. Marc, the youth director, bragged on the class of 2016 and spoke some eloquent words about going off into the world and keeping God the center of their lives, and then they showed a slide of all the seniors.
Senior Sunday

After the breakfast, the seniors got their caps and gowns on an proceeded to the front of the church for pics.

Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

All the Eagle Scouts from AUMC
Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

Here’s BC talking about this senior class and their willingness to serve God.

Senior Sunday

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Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

Alex was an acolyte for the service. We all took communion and they showed the slideshow to the congregation.

Senior Sunday

Then, that afternoon the volunteers from the high school coordinated a baccalaureate service at Parkview Baptist church.
Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday

Parkview Baptist’s youth director; Bobby Jones gave the message.
Senior Sunday

What a great day to celebrate these Seniors! Look for more post about graduation, etc.


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