Saying Goodbye To Summertime

Saying Goodbye to Summertime…

As usual the summer blew by in a heartbeat and here I am, just sad that it’s over. I’m not super excited about the kids going back to school and starting their millions of extracurricular activities. All this means that quiet evenings at home are no longer. I have really enjoyed those this summer…a lot!

However, life must go on and school starts Monday, so with that I thought I’d share some pics from a few activities that I never got around to posting.

So happy to have a cousin reunion, even it was just a quick visit. Fun times getting to see these silly cutie pies and getting to meet the newest member of their family.

Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Rob and Drew went to Boy Scout summer camp together for the first time. You can read the blog posts that Rob wrote while on the trip here.
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Here’s Drew and his troop at a flag retirement ceremony from early in the summer. Afterwards, they did a service project.
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

This was the first year that we all attended Family Fun Day for Auburn employees and family. Rob and I are both Auburn employees now, and since this is a day event, we were all able to attend. I enjoyed taking snapping pics of MB.
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Drew went on his first choir tour with the church youth choir and had. a. blast!
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

My boys on Father’s Day
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Alex had a blast going to the pool throughout the summer.
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

Rob and Drew went to a Braves game.
Saying Goodbye to Summertime...

WOW! That was a lot. No wonder summer flew by so fast. Hope you had a great summer! What was your favorite activity?


  1. Looks like you had a great summer! Not sure yet what my favorite activity was, because here we aren’t done yet ? My son goes back in September.

    Alex – Funky Jungle

  2. What a fun summer! It did fly by so fast–too fast. I love your photos. We just had a little cousin reunion this week with all of the little ones.

  3. I am actually happy to be saying goodbye to summer! We start our first year of homeschooling this year and we will also slowly be saying adios to the heat!

  4. Isn’t it sad how fast this summer flew by? I canNOT believe that it is already August, and that school will be starting again soon. Unbelievable. I love that first picture of all the cousins, too cute. Great memories in the making.

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